Sepura public safety contract extended by ASTRID

Wednesday, 16 November, 2016

Sepura public safety contract extended by ASTRID

Sepura’s contract with ASTRID has been extended to the value of €2 million.

Under the award, ASTRID’s existing Sepura applications will be supported and maintained for a period of five years, with the addition of a contract for Sepura to develop an extension to the location services component. From 2017, this will be able to track both TETRA and 3/4G devices running on ASTRID’s Blue Light Mobile (BLM) high-speed data service.

The second generation of BLM will provide single-SIM-card access to all of Belgium’s commercial 4G network operators, offering priority and pre-emption for voice and data within a secure environment for the end user. This will lay the foundations for the convergence of traditional PMR usage and the data-rich capacity of LTE.

“Extending our existing location services to track 3/4G devices and, by extension, BLM-enabled devices, is simply a first step,” said Rod Stafford, Sepura’s director of applications.

“We anticipate further innovations, enabling applications to be accessed from both TETRA and commercial LTE networks and, indeed, devices which can operate seamlessly across the two technologies.”

Image credit: ©Alarico/

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