Zetron has unveiled its MAX Call-Taking system that provides a SIP-based, next-generation 9-1-1 system. It is one of the company’s MAX Solution family of products that includes the MAX dispatch system.
The system includes: intelligent user interface - UI streamlines and simplifies operators’ tasks and displays only information pertinent to the event at hand. One-click operation improves response times and reduces operator fatigue. Meets NENA human machine interface (HMI) requirements (NENA 54-750); next-generation 9-1-1 capabilities - SIP-based and architected to meet existing and emerging NENA NG9-1-1 i3 standards. Compatible with emergency services IP networks; automatic call recovery - provides a resilient call connection even if network anomalies occur; advanced call handling - features dedicated queues and interactive voice response. Employs NENA’s emergency services routing proxy (ESRP) model for skills-based routing; digital, end-to-end IP; 99.999% available - when the system is deployed in a high-quality reliable IP infrastructure, its self-healing protocols and redundant architecture provide 99.999% availability; efficient ‘green’ design - server core consumes 5% of the power of conventional servers.
Phone: 07 3856 4888
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