Pasternack Enterprises’ line of high-power RF attenuators operate from DC to 6 GHz and have an average power rating of 100 W, with peak power-handling capabilities of 2000 W. The high-power fixed attenuators are built from lightweight, strong anodised aluminium heat sink bodies and can be ordered with passivated stainless steel SMA, TNC and N connectors, and silver-plated brass 7/16 DIN connectors.
The attenuators have large cooling fins, enabling them to effectively operate between temperature ranges of -55 to +125°C.
There is a range of attenuation and connector options: they come in 3, 6, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 60 dB models, with a total of 42 different male or female 7/16 DIN, SMA, N and TNC in-series and between-series connector combinations. They are all RoHS compliant.
Phone: 02 9829 1555
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