Digital attenuators
01 September, 2005Hittite Microwave has released two GaAs MMIC digital attenuators, with TTL/CMOS control, which are suitable for wireless infrastructure, test equipment and microwave radio applications fromDC to 3.0 GHz.
Solid-state programmable attenuators
15 December, 2004Trilithic Inc has introduced the Model PA-5127-1 solid-state programmable attenuator which operates from 400 to 2000 MHz. The attenuation range is 0-127 dB in 1 dB steps. The switching speed is 2 µs. The operating supply voltage is 5 V and is controlled with TTL.
Noise attenuating headsets
25 November, 2004Mobile One noise attenuating headsets are manufactured to exacting standards with stringent quality control. They offer: good hearing protection; good sonic performance for both listening and voice; maximum comfort and minimum weight; durability through rugged construction; ease of servicing, including field-replaceable components; and adaptability to almost any electronic communications system.