ACMA ends consultation on radiocommunications rule changes

Australian Communications and Media Authority

Friday, 18 June, 2021

ACMA ends consultation on radiocommunications rule changes

As a result of submissions, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) made some changes to the draft General Equipment Rules under the Radiocommunications Act 1992. These included the power to exempt certain cellular mobile repeaters, plus changes to the provisions relating to the presumptions about when possession of equipment is for the purpose of operation.

The changes with the amendments came into effect on the 17th of June. ACMA will be providing further information on the General Equipment Rules and cellular mobile repeaters on its website. While existing standards and labelling notices will be saved as equipment rules under the new arrangements, some new equipment rules will be necessary to maintain four objectives:

  • To ensure the application of sanctions for possession, operation or supply of devices that do not comply with mandated standards.
  • To enable the ACMA to provide permits for the use, possession and supply of non-standard devices.
  • To ensure the continuation of prohibitions and obligations for labelling equipment that complies with standards.
  • To maintain existing limitations on the supply of mobile phone repeaters, to ensure that such devices may only be supplied to people licensed to operate them.

Equipment capable of causing radio emissions supplied to the Australian market may cause harm when operated.

Image credit: © Citron

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