Industry > Training & certification

Wi-FAR certification testing format expanded

10 January, 2018

The testing format for Wi-FAR certification has been expanded by the WhiteSpace Alliance.

New DSA TV white space tech rules published

10 January, 2018

New model rules for TV white space (TVWS) technology have been published by the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance (DSA).

New Zealand reduces spectrum licence fees

11 April, 2017

Changes to licence fees will be the result of the Radio Spectrum Fees Framework Review in New Zealand.

Radio industry guides available for NZ

05 April, 2017

The Radio Spectrum Management website has listed a number of interactive guides that can help users to determine which license type they require.

Tait Radio Academy provides new course

01 March, 2017

The Tait Radio Academy has added a new course that examines best practice for radio users.

Consultation open on radio licensing changes

08 February, 2017

ACMA has invited feedback on proposed changes to the Citizen Band Radio Stations Class Licence 2015.

Ergon adds 18 apprentices

01 February, 2017 by Jonathan Nally

Eighteen new apprentices, including some training as communications technicians, have begun work with Ergon Energy this week.

EMC Technologies introduces NATA accredited testing

13 January, 2017

NATA accredited testing is now available from EMC Technologies.

Tower technician certification programs

11 January, 2017 by Jonathan Nally

The US National Wireless Safety Alliance has launched two industry-wide certification programs for telecommunications tower technicians.

Airservices welcomes new technical trainees

29 November, 2016

An Airservices training program at TAFE NSW Riverina Institute has been completed by nine new graduates, giving them the skills to maintain Australia's traffic control equipment.

Hytera training course a success

28 October, 2016 by Jonathan Nally

More than 80 employees of Hytera channel partners in Australia and New Zealand have been awarded Hytera College Training Certificates following local training.

Don't get left behind by digital radio

31 January, 2016 by Jonathan Nally

The older generation of two-way radio dealers needs to get aboard the digital bandwagon or be left behind, said Ace Comms' Kevin Cuyler.

Airservices technical trainees graduate

01 December, 2015

Twelve Airservices trainees have graduated from TAFE's Riverina Institute, skilled to work on instrument landing systems, ground-based aids for satellite navigation, radars and other navigation aids.

Comms Connect underway in Melbourne

01 December, 2015

Day one of Comms Connect is underway, with industry experts gathered to participate in a range of technical workshops, to be followed tomorrow by the main conference and exhibition.

Satcoms put to the test in military exercises

16 October, 2015

Inmarsat recently trained military personnel in the Pacific at a multinational event focusing on communications and interoperability in humanitarian aid and disaster response situations.

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