Public Safety > Trunked

TETRA system strengthened

27 June, 2008

Radio IP Software has strengthened its existing partnership with Motorola by signing a joint agreement to deliver next-generation communication capabilities to the global TETRA (TErrestrial Trunked RAdio) community.

Trunking platform

01 June, 2008

Westel says it has demonstrated its Project 25 single-site trunking platform Trunkissimo interoperating with Motorola XTS5000 portables.

Island joined with TETRA system

01 May, 2008

Zenitel has launched its ‘ChuChubi TETRA trunking network’ into the French regions of the Caribbean island Saint Martin.

25 W VHF commerical radio

05 December, 2007

Following in the footsteps of the TX3800 25 W commercial mobile radio, GME has developed the TX4800 25 Watt VHF Waterproof Commercial Radio.

Underground system gets it all together

11 September, 2005

A trunked radio system in Bangkok's underground railway enables the system to carry out maintenance, deal with emergencies, give train information to passengers and tell the control centre where the train is via induction loops laid in the tunnels

Trunking repeater technology - old principles for new applications

11 November, 2003 by Frits van Enk, Managing Director, Radio Systems Technologies

With many radio communications businesses facing increased competition from the cellular industry, one Australian company is applying old principles to overcome the modern challenge

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