Airbus connects drones with smart devices
14 May, 2018 by Jonathan NallyAirbus demonstrates real-time receipt of video from an airborne drone, displayed on smart devices via its Tactilon Agnet app.
244 km-long comms black spot filled
08 May, 2018 by Jonathan NallyHaast, a remote New Zealand tourist township, is now connected to the world via a satcom-linked 3G tower.
Digital radio on the docks
03 May, 2018One of New Zealand's largest waterfront cargo logistics companies is reaping the benefits of moving to the DMR standard.
Sublette County chooses Harris to upgrade network
19 April, 2018Harris will transition the county's conventional analog communications system to a digital network that provides increased coverage and interoperability.
JVCKENWOOD's NEXEDGE for US embassy in Japan
16 April, 2018 by Jonathan NallyJVCKENWOOD has been awarded a contract to supply NEXEDGE digital radio gear for the US embassy, consulates and related facilities in Japan.
Statoil chooses Rohill to supply TETRA
06 April, 2018A TETRA radio communication system will be supplied by Rohill for Statoil's Johan Castberg floating production storage and offloading (FPSO).
NYC to boost citywide Wi-Fi protection
04 April, 2018 by Jonathan NallyFree smartphone app and new security for public Wi-Fi networks are the first steps in a plan to protect citizens online.
Tait to update Transport for London’s bus radios
26 March, 2018Transport for London has selected Tait Communications as its provider for the replacement of London's bus radio system.
Spark's IoT network covers 60% of NZ
26 March, 2018 by Jonathan NallyNeed to connect a cow to the IoT? That'll be just $1.79, thanks to Spark's new LoRaWAN grid.
Telstra trialling power pole small cells
20 March, 2018 by Jonathan NallyTelstra will trial small cells on TasNetworks' power poles to test the feasibility of using them to help overcome mobile black spots.
Hytera radio equipment adopted by Milan police force
08 March, 2018Police in Milan are now using Hytera radios to help manage accidents and traffic problems.
CommScope Era all-digital C-RAN antenna system
27 February, 2018CommScope Era is an all-digital C-RAN antenna system that leverages wireless operators' initiatives to centralise and virtualise baseband radio assets.
Open Spectrum MAPRAD.IO Radiocomms Register Search Tool
01 February, 2018MAPRAD.IO leverages the latest web technologies to provide a unified, centralised view of radiocommunications register data that is free to use.
RediTALK-Flex digital radio dispatch
01 November, 2017RediTALK-Flex provides choice and flexibility in digital radio dispatch — enabling organisations to create a solution that meets their exact needs.
Tait radio transition for Alliant Energy
23 October, 2017Alliant Energy has transitioned to a Tait Communications digital mobile radio.