Public Safety > Market analysis

Analog beamforming at 60 GHz

21 August, 2009

The large unlicensed frequency band internationally available around 60 GHz makes it attractive to support gigabit per second wireless applications, such as uncompressed high-definition video streaming and large file transfers.

Collaborative communication is the road to success

30 July, 2009 by Steven Cooke, Icom Australia

These days, collaboration is key. The problems faced by users of radio communication products has allowed the industry to develop, with many new technologies currently being employed.

IP development driving trends

30 June, 2009

The ACMA’s 2009 update of developments in technology, Trends in Communications and Media Technology, Applications and Use, has identified five key developments that are placing pressure on media and communications regulation.

'Coordination' the future for networks

04 June, 2009

Actix has predicted that with the arrival of 4G network managers will have a sharper focus on the delivery cost per data bit.

The booming business of Active RFID and RTLS

01 August, 2008 by Dr Peter Harrop, chairman, IDTechEx

The RFID business value is expected to grow by five times in the next 10 years. The Active RFID business is growing by about 10 times, driven by the $475 million military order for Savi Technology and innovations such as the first 100,000 RFID labels from Power ID that have greatly enhanced range over alternatives.

UMTS 900 jumps into sharp focus

31 July, 2008

The pace of commercialisation of universal mobile telecommunications service (UMTS 900) systems has quickened, according to an information paper published by GSA , the Global mobile Suppliers Association.

What’s in store for RFID in 2008?

07 April, 2008 by Elizabeth Latham

RFID has been moving ahead in leaps and bounds according to reports released throughout 2007. However, what is in store for 2008? Will RFID technology continue to move forwards or will another technology surge ahead and steal the limelight?


In a recent interview with Radio Comms, Asia-Pacific, Scott Austin, president Syscan Australasia, shed a little light on the subject.

Discharge gun

07 April, 2008

The Teseq NSG 437 electrostatic discharge gun features air and contact discharge with voltages ranging from 200 to 20 kV.

Radio set to bounce into 2006 and beyond

11 January, 2006 by Mike Smyth

Recent natural and man-made disasters have demonstrated the importance of radiocommunications to the basic functioning of society. In spite of many beliefs that the mobile phone would spell the demise of two-way radio, the industry is buoyant with growth

The year of going wireless

11 September, 2004

With wireless technology such as Wi-Fi becoming ever more popular and commonplace, Sean Casey from Intel takes a look at the year that really saw it take off and at the trends for the coming years

The place of wireless

11 August, 2004 by Trish Messiter*

Wireless has been well received ever since the first wireless radio transmission over the Atlantic Ocean by Marconi almost a century ago. Since that time the technology has been harnessed to suit myriad applications

Extending the wireless reach within

11 November, 2003

As the call for greater mobile communications coverage rings out around the world, wireless distributed communication systems are continuing their invisible and inexorable advance.

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