Radio Systems > Platform

Microwave system

04 July, 2007

The Nera Evolution series is a point-to-point microwave system in licensed frequency bands from 5 to 38 GHz. Its transmission capacity is scalable between 6 and 600 Mbps based on a common software-defined platform.

WiMAX at 4.9 GHz for disaster relief

04 July, 2007 by Grant Stepa, Airspan

The band 4940-4990 MHz has been identified by the ITU as important in achieving harmonised spectrum for advanced public protection and disaster relief. The band is currently used for this purpose in the US

Wireless platforms for biomedical monitoring

29 June, 2007

IMEC and IMEC-Nederland at the Holst Centre created two body-monitoring wireless sensor nodes which collect and process data from human body sensors and wirelessly transmit the data to a central monitoring system.

Wireless platforms for biomedical monitoring

29 June, 2007

IMEC and IMEC-Nederland at the Holst Centre created two body-monitoring wireless sensor nodes which collect and process data from human body sensors and wirelessly transmit the data to a central monitoring system.

Call over ultra mobile broadband network

29 June, 2007

Nortel has claimed to achieve the industry’s first live call over an Ultra Mobile Broadband (UMB) network delivering high definition video and VoIP.

Technology to improve emergency services communications

28 June, 2007

QinetiQ and Thorcom have signed an agreement that will enable emergency services to tackle a number of current data communications issues.

Sales director appointed

25 June, 2007

Wireless networking expert Ross Chiswell has become sales director for Colubris Networks to lead a major push into the Australian enterprise networking market.

Satellite and radio manage disaster

05 June, 2007 by Elizabeth Latham, Journalist

Radio and satellite have combined to provide a service that will set up a virtual radio network virtually anywhere in the world. It is specifically designed for firefighters, state emergency workers, police and life savers

Broadband networks transform radio astronomy

14 May, 2007

Astronomers from CSIRO, the Swinburne University of Technology (SUT) and the University of Tasmania have made the first broadband hook-up between Australian radio telescopes, completing in just hours an experiment that would previously have taken weeks.

Audio paths could bring service together

04 September, 2006

The concept of radio interoperability has gained ground over the past couple of years. Public safety organisations use a variety of disparate communications systems

Public safety system

04 September, 2006

Motorola has announced Motomesh, a multi-radio mesh networking broadband system that supports up to four radio networks in a single access point. It can be used for public works, public users and public safety agencies in the Asia-Pacific region under the Public Protection (Safety) and Disaster Relief/Response (PPDR) scheme.

The evolution of mobile networks

01 August, 2006

In recent years, mobile operators have been forced to change their technologies when rolling out the latest mobile telephony networks because councils and the public have become much more aware of the intrusion that towers and antennas create

WA Police gets a world-class system

01 August, 2006

With the full implementation of Police Metropolitan Radio Network project in 2007, Western Australia Police (WAPOL) will have one of the most efficient communications and dispatch systems in the world

Paving a digital future with P25

11 July, 2006 by Dr Peter Baines, Managing Director, Tait Electronics (Aust) Pty Ltd

The events in the US and around the world since September 11, 2001 have spurred increased popular interest in public safety communications interoperability

HF network saves lives in the Pacific

11 May, 2006

HF radio had long been associated with health services in Australia due to its connection with the Royal Flying Doctor Service. New advances in HF technology are resulting in HF being used throughout the South Pacific and neighbouring islands

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