Radio Systems

Internet multicasting

05 November, 2007 | Supplied by: Omnitronics Pty Ltd

Until now, the ability to perform multicasting over the internet has not been possible. Omnitronics has implemented a technique to overcome this issue to enable a number of radios to be linked together over the internet in a peer-to-peer arrangement. Once in operation, audio received from any radio will be transmitted to every other radio.

Joint development to empower portable UHF RFID readers

01 November, 2007

IDS Microchip and austriamicrosystems have partnered to develop a UHF RFID reader IC targeted at the portable reader market. These readers would be used to interrogate Gen 2 RFID tags allowing contactless identification of goods or materials in a broad range of applications.

Speakers announced for active RFID conference

25 October, 2007

IDTechEx will stage the conference Active RFID and RTLS in Dallas, USA. The conference’s title emphasises the fast growing real-time locating systems (RTLS) used from hospitals to dockyards for locating people and assets.

Apparel manufacturer converts RFID program

22 October, 2007

Reva Systems, an RFID network infrastructure provider, has announced that Lemmi Fashion, a Fritzlar, Germany-based supplier of children's apparel, is deploying the Tag Acquisition Processor (TAP) products as the cornerstone of its RFID program conversion from high frequency (HF) to ultra high frequency (UHF) passive RFID within its global supply chain.

WCDMA achieves 70% market share

18 October, 2007

WCDMA has achieved 70% market share of all commercial 3G networks, according to GSA, the Global mobile Suppliers Association.

Keynote speakers announced

15 October, 2007

The WiMAX Forum and Informa Telecoms & Media announced participation commitments from 10 keynote speakers and more than 30 sponsors and exhibitors for their 2008 Events Series.

Marine chartplotter

03 October, 2007 | Supplied by: GME Pty Ltd

When BlueChart g2 Vision is plugged into a Garmin chartplotter full graphical capabilities are expanded.

The strengths of mobile radio

03 October, 2007 by Paul Elmes, Tait Electronics | Supplied by: Tait Communications

When Cyclone Larry ripped through the northern Queensland coast last year, crops were left ravaged, homes destroyed and local infrastructure severely damaged

Anti-landmine radar

20 September, 2007

A radar system that might one day see through solid earth and could be used to clear conflict zones of landmines, is being developed by researchers in The Netherlands.

Wireless speaker-microphone

05 September, 2007 | Supplied by: Defcon Technologies

FreeMic has been released following the launch of FreeMotion, claimed to be the world's first secure wireless headset for two-way radios. Both devices use 'near field magnetic communications' that uses the magnetic field component of radio waves to create a small communications 'bubble' that envelops the personal space of the radio user.

Radar level transmitter

05 September, 2007 | Supplied by: Siemens Ltd

Sitrans LR460 is a continuous radar level measurement transmitter featuring 24 GHz frequency-modulated continuous wave technology and process intelligence echo processing.

Wireless LAN access point

05 September, 2007 | Supplied by: Paqworks

The AdsTec rugged WLAN access point is based on the latest technologies available. Supporting all wireless standards such as 802.11a/b/g and transmitting on frequencies 2.4 or 5 GHz data communication, it has a range up to 30 km.

Through-the-earth radio keeps miners in touch

27 August, 2007

A digital two-way radio system that can send signals from the surface to depths greater than 300 m will allow voice and text communication especially for miners.

New way for two-way

22 August, 2007

Imagine a virtual 24 h drive-through for professional radio products and accessories from the comfort of your home, office or field location. Finally, true convenience, choice and real savings has arrived with the opening of Radio Warehouse this month.

Contract for 700 MHz WiMAX equipment awarded

20 August, 2007

Berkeley Varitronics Systems has been awarded a contract to develop 700 MHz Gator Transmitter and Coyote Receiver drive study systems.

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